We can help you help Missouri State Parks
Be part of our mission to create and sustain an outstanding collection of scenic parks and recreation areas by exploring our variety of giving options. Missouri State Parks Foundation is a IRS-qualified 501(c)3 organization and we often work with donors to help them maximize the tax benefits of their contributions.
Our EIN is 43-1940611 and you can find our GuideStar profile here.
Donations may be made online or may be mailed to:
Missouri State Parks Foundation
P.O. Box 1002
Columbia, MO 65205
Types of Giving
Directed Donation
to a Project or Park not listed
Do you wish to make a monetary donation to a State Park or Historic Site that is not listed? Or to a specific project within a State Park or Historic Site? If so, use this form to direct your donation.
Get Involved
Rock Island State Park
The Rock Island Trail State Park will traverse 23 towns, providing a safe, non-motorized path to school, work, stores and restaurants within each town and from town to town.
Major Gifts
Opportunities exist to name bridges, tunnels, sections of trails, trailhead depots and historic locations. Contact us below to discuss opportunities that are right for you.
Presentations & Meetings
Contact us to set up a presentation by a member of our Development Committee or staff. Media inquiries are welcome.
In-Kind Gifts
Initial work will include security, fencing, signage and more. We will need two trucks for park rangers and contributions of services and materials, Can you help? Contact us below to discuss opportunities that are right for you.
Follow & Share
Stay up to date on this project and others by following us on Social Media. Share posts and help spread the word.
Matching Gifts
Gifts are needed at all levels. Interested in creating a matching gifts program? We're glad to discuss options and promotions.
Learn More
To learn more about the Rock Island State Park project visit:
Get Involved
Route 66 State Park
The historic Route 66 Meramec River Bridge is a missing link that will provide access to rivers, trails, parks, and communities. Join us in reviving this historic structure and connecting to a vibrant future!
Major Gifts
Opportunities exist to name benches, bike racks, and historic locations. Contact us below to discuss opportunities that are right for you.
Presentations & Meetings
Contact us below to set up a presentation by a member of our staff. Media inquiries are welcome.
In-Kind Gifts
Initial work will include security, fencing, signage and other work. Can you help? Contact us below to discuss opportunities that are right for you.
Follow & Share
Stay up to date on this project and others by following us on Social Media. Share posts and help spread the word.
Matching Gifts
Gifts are needed at all levels. Interested in creating a matching gifts program? We're glad to discuss options and promotions.
Learn More
To learn more about the Route 66 State Park Bridge project visit:
Get Involved
All State Parks
Donate to support important projects in State Parks and Historic Sites all across the state.
General Guidelines for Gift Acceptance
Five (5) percent of each restricted gift will be used to fund the core operations which make restricted programs possible.
For more information about our gift acceptance guidelines, please click here.
Thank you for your support!