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What is the Missouri State Parks Foundation?The Foundation is a not-for-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. The Foundation is a partner with the Missouri State Parks Department, but is a separate, self-governing organization with its own board of directors and bylaws. The Foundation was registered as a non-profit Missouri corporation in December 2001.
Is it unusual for such an organization to exist?No. Many state park systems, as well as the national park system, have partnership relationships with non-governmental support organizations that have a mission of improving and enhancing these respective park systems.
Who is in charge of the Foundation?The Foundation is an independent organization and all policy and decision making authority is vested in the Board of Directors, within the parameters of the bylaws, state and federal laws governing nonprofit corporations and the IRS Code. The Board members are volunteers and represent a cross section of Missouri's citizens. The Director of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, or his/her representative serves on the Board in an ex officio (non voting) capacity to ensure good communication between the two organizations. Additionally, the Foundation's Board hires and supervises an Executive Director to manage the day-to-day functions of the Foundation.
What does the Foundation do?In short, the Foundation seeks to improve and enhance the Missouri State Parks System, in harmony with the stated mission of the component parks and historic sites; to develop cooperative agreements and mutually beneficial agreements with other state non-profit support groups; to provide funding for educational, scientific, cultural, and charitable activities at the Missouri State Parks and Historic Sites; and to support acquisition of land, buildings, and other items for improvement and enhancement of the Parks System.
How can I join the Missouri State Parks Foundation Board of Directors?Joining the Missouri State Parks Foundation Board of Directors starts by completing a Board Application. The application can be found on our website on the Board of Directors page. Complete the application and a current member of the board will reach out to you. We are always accepting applications for board membership but we do not always have vacancies.
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