Past Projects
Katy Trail Bike/Ped Bridge
Cole County: The Foundation partnered with multiple agencies and non-profit organizations to raise money for a pedestrian bridge over the Missouri River at Jefferson City. The bridge is the only pedestrian connection over the river between Boonville and Hermann.

The Katy Trail Ride
Statewide: The Missouri State Parks Foundation works with the state park system every June to hold the Katy Trail Ride, a fully supported five-day ride across the nation's largest rails-to-trails system, Katy Trail State Park.

Don Robinson State Park
Franklin County: The Foundation worked with the estate of Don Robinson to process and dispose of donated land to build a maintenance endowment for the park. The Foundation also allocated funding for two trails to be built at the park.

Glamp Pin Oak
Miller County: The foundation partnered with the state park system to run registration and purchasing for a luxury camping experience at Lake of the Ozarks State Park.