Supporting Partners

​Missouri State Parks Foundation is proud to highlight the contributions of numerous individuals and organizations who are championing the development of the Rock Island State Park.
BikeWalkKC is a member-supported 501©(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to redefine our streets as places to build a culture of active living. They work to make Greater Kansas City a safer and more accessible place to walk, bike, live, work and play.
Department of Health and Senior Services
In 1883, Missourians were threatened by epidemics of smallpox, typhoid and cholera, which caused concerned physicians to lobby Missouri Legislature for the establishment of the State Board of Health that was responsible for promoting health and preventing disease. State government reorganized several times, and finally in 1974, placed the Division of Health in the Department of Social Services. At that time, the division’s environmental engineering and solid waste programs were transferred to the Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Crippled Children’s Service became a part of the Division of Health. In 1985, a bill was signed, creating the Department of Health, which supervises and manages all public health functions and programs formerly administered by the Division of Health.
Local Motion
Local Motion, founded in Columbia, Missouri in 2000, is a grassroots, membership-based transportation advocacy organization. Local Motion has a strong track record of successful policy and infrastructure campaigns for walking, biking and transit, achieving local advocacy wins for sidewalks, bike lanes, intersection improvements, bole boulevards and public transit. They have significantly influenced the development of Columbia’s trail network.
Missouri Chamber of Commerce
The Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry takes care of business for Missouri employers in the halls of the Capitol, in the courtroom and beyond. Empowered by a deep passion for their cause and a strong network of professionals, the Missouri Chamber brings together members to make Missouri a better place to live and work.
Missouri Department of Conservation
MoDOT’s mission is to provide a world-class transportation system that is safe, innovative, reliable and dedicated to a prosperous Missouri. MoDOT prides itself on strong institutional values representing the fundamental principles and philosophy of the agency. They establish the boundaries that all department activities will be conducted and can be grouped into three primary pillars: safety, service and stability
Missouri Parks Association
The Missouri Parks Association is a nonprofit citizens organization – independent and non-partisan – dedicated to the protection, enhancement and interpretation of Missouri State Parks and Historic Sites. Founded in 1982, MPA has been a steadfast supporter and tireless defender of the state park system
National Parks Service - Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program
The National Park Service – Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program (NPS-RTCA) supports locally-led conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the country. They assist communities and public land managers in developing or restoring parks, conservation areas, rivers and wildlife habitats, as well as creating outdoor recreation opportunities and programs that engage future generations in the outdoors.
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy
Since 1986, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy has been committed to building a nation connected by trails. Their mission is to reimagine public spaces to create safe ways for everyone to walk, bike and be active outdoors. Their focus is on linking corridors while creating trail networks that connect people and places, bringing transformative benefits to communities across the country
University of Missouri Extension
Through the innovations and ideals of the University of Missouri, MU Extension improves lives, businesses and communities by focusing on solving Missouri’s grand challenges around economic opportunity, educational access and health and wellbeing
Conservation Federation of Missouri
The Conservation Federation of Missouri is a private organization made up of Missourians working together to better our natural resources and representing Missouri’s citizen conservationists. Actively involved in state and national issues that relate to conservation, the Federation has long been a prominent and effective voice before Missouri’s general assembly, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Department of Conservation. Much of the conservation legislation in Missouri today exists because of the federation’s strong advocacy work.
Friends of the Rock Island Trail
Friends of Missouri Rock Island Trail, Inc. is a coalition of communities, businesses, organizations and citizens. FoMORIT seeks to work with agencies, groups and trail communities in the development of the Rock Island Trail. Their vision is to help in the development of a world-class park that preserves and enhances the landscape of Missouri; provides for a healthy environment and recreational opportunities; stimulates community pride and economic development; and protects natural, cultural and educational resources.
Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation
Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation MoBikeFed is a statewide group who work together for better bicycling, walking and trails in Missouri. They provide advocacy alerts and bicycle, pedestrian and trails news from around the state.
Missouri Municipal League
Since 1934, the Missouri Municipal League’s aim has been to “develop an agency for the cooperation of Missouri cities, towns and villages and to promote the interest, welfare and closer relations among them in order to improve municipal government and administration in the state.” The League’s basic goal is to strengthen cities through unity and cooperation. This independent, statewide, notfor-profit association is governed by a board of directors consisting of a president, vice president, active past presidents, 12 elected municipal officials and five appointed municipal officials, with at least one board member from each congressional district.
Missouri Outdoor Activity Coalition
Missouri Outdoor Activity Coalition promotes health and fitness through outdoor activity. MOAC coordinates local events to encourage members to get active in the community and volunteer to improve outdoor opportunities for generations to come.
Missourians for Responsible Transportation
In 2018, four Missouri organizations established Missourians for Responsible Transportation (MRT). These organizations realized that although they’d been successful with advocacy work in their home cities and surrounding areas, by partnering together, they could help to better address Missouri’s transportation at a statewide level. They have more than 35 transportation officials with different specialties working together to make Missourians’ lives better
Ozark Greenways
Formed in 1991, Ozark Greenways is the driving force behind a 200+ mile planned system of multi-use trails, connecting streams, parks, businesses and neighborhoods. These trails connect people to the outdoors, each other and places they want to go, which follows their mission of building a trail system that connects and enhances our community.
For more than three decades, Trailnet has worked in the St. Louis region and across the state, advancing walking and biking in the St. Louis region. They lead in fostering healthy, active and vibrant communities where walking, bicycling and the use of public transit are a way of life. Trailnet is reimagining streets to create a connected, comprehensive and cohesive network of protected bikeways and high quality sidewalks, making it safe and easy to bike and walk. These connections will create a seamless route from the front porch of the Gateway Arch to the backyard of the Katy Trail.